Join us in our effort to raise $40K for 40 Years of ΦΣΡ Sorority
As we approach our ruby anniversary, the Phi Sigma Rho Foundation, with the support of the Sorority, is embarking on a campaign to ensure the future of our sisterhood is supported with its ever changing needs. The 40 for 40:Campaign for Phi Sigma Rho is for all alum and collegiate members and will enable us to build upon the ideals we cherish. Donations to the Foundation support educational and charitable efforts of our sisters, including our 8 scholarships and 4 grant programs. With more than 10,000 sisters across the globe, we strive to continue to expand and evolve to best support the Phi Sigma Rho community.
For Founders’ Day, we encourage you to donate $19.84 in honor of the year Phi Sigma Rho was brought into existence, or to the amount you are most comfortable. We remain rooted in our mission, focused on impact and believe that every dollar raised builds capacity and unlocks resources for our sisters. Thank you for entrusting us with your generous gifts of all sizes and building the foundation of support for Phi Sigma Rho. Give now!
Coming soon: Penguin Party
Be on the lookout! Chapters will see penguins personalized with their chapter names and letters coming in the mail later this month! Please send current chapter addresses to the foundation at More details to follow!
Follow along with our journey to $40K for the Sorority and its members on our social channels, or by following the hashtags of #PhiSigmaRho40Years, #PSRF40for40 and #PSRPenguinParty. Thank you for your support over the years and happy Founders’ Day!